Deciding on the best lens or lens combination to take when travelling can be a massive headache. This article sheds light on the main considerations that you should be making to arrive at the best decision for your photo needs. We will also study the suitability of various focal lengths for travel photography.
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To give you some ideas, here are 5 recommendations on vacation photography in Hong Kong:
Yau Ma Tei Fruit Market
Kowloon Walled City Park
Nam Shan Complex, and
Your own hotel room!
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Istanbul is a land full of photogenic gems - you will find something photo-worthy every other turn you take. Here are my picks on the perfect locations to get killer shots, so read on!
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For street photographers, Hong Kong is a massive playground for us. What makes the uniqueness even more unique? Reflections! Hong Kong has a lot of hidden mirrors that definitely works to a photographer’s favour - they make images more stunning visually. So here is where to find some of my favourite - read on!.
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